Baba Ijebu Ghana Bonanza Lottery Game 29/12/2017 Is In Trouble With Unavailing Live Banker

#BONANZA UNAVAILING LIVE BANKER #10 #10 #10 GET THE FULL GAME BY clicking on bellow Links

BONANZA plan@2015 Event 2769, ((61))-((78))drp, ffwk ((47)) under ((61)) n ((43key))mc, ffwk ((# 56KEY ))drp, ffwk ((60-70))drp with ((35mc))secondbox, ffwk mc ((35)) counter to ((80mc))lastbox, 6wks dwn machine ((90))lastbox, ffwk ((35mc))firstbox, ffwk winning ((46))lastbox, ffwk ((19))drp, 8wks dwn ((65mc))centabox, 3wks dwn ((65))counter to ((20))live, ffwk ((43key))mc, Ffwk winning ((86-56key-35-6-62)) Current-plan@2016 Event 2790, ((61))position with ((78))drp, ffwk ((47))position under ((61)) n ((43key))mc, ffwk ((# 56KEY ))drp, ffwk ((60))- ((70))drp live, n ((35mc))position, ffwk ((35))counter to ((80))lastbox machine position, 6wks dwn machine ((90))position, ffwk ((35mc))firstbox position, ffwk winning ((46))lastbox position, ffwk ((19)) livee, 8wks dwn ((65wn))centerbox position ( # This_time_65_dr p_in_winning_bu t_de_first_one_ drp_in_machine, _take note of dat pls) 3wks dwn ((65))counter to ((20))live, ffwk machine (( # 43key )) in 2017 fivewks dwn((13)) in centre box and ((23)) in under machine produce live 2sure((25*74)) if u can understand dis plan very well lastwks ((58))) )) in first box and ((37)) in last box and in machine ((79)) in centre box concusion.GH BONANZA NAP3:: BK-BK-BK two sure are listed bellow.

Bonaza Five Permutation
10bk- (36key)-89-(60)-72
Two sure:
(10-36) (60-72) (36-60)

Which you best of luck
Get Ready for National tomorrow I won't disappoint you, no no, three direct for national

Bank: Skye bank



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